11 Jul 2010

House work!

I just finished doing that massive tidy of your room that you do every so often. I usually give me room a little once over every couple of weeks, but you know when it gets to that stage where you actually cannot see the floor! For anyone else who is dreading when they have to do this, I would say just think it will be so much nicer once it's done! (and it is) and also if your having trouble suming up the energy, well when you get that feeling of ok lets just do it, then do it then or you won't feel like it another time. Put some music on in your room, not slow sad music but upbeat tunes with a good beat to keep up your energy. Don't tell anyone but I usually end up tidying while dancing and singing to the music. A bit embarrassing perhaps but very good to make the work less painful! Also just another thing to think about when you get to that stage of, Please let me stop! house work actually burns calories! Once the work's done you'll find yourself much more relaxed and less stressed in a tidy room. Em x

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